Unfortunately nothing more is done; the weather this weekend wasn't very favorable. For the first time in months, Pheonix was barraged with a sporadic, but heavy, rain for the entire weekend. It didn't make much of a difference as I was heavily involved in a 1v1 Tournament we had going on over at GameReplays.org. Being an editor in the Company of Heroes section, I had plenty to do.
However I did see the special screening of Gundam Unicorn. With such a name, I was skeptical at first. However, after vicious mobile suit fights in colonies, causing massive civilian casualties and rampant destruction, I was thoroughly convinced that maybe this series isn't going to be a moeblob weeaboo failboat. One thing is for sure: the NZ-666 Kshatriya (or Quin Mantha V2) is extremely sexy.
I want a kit. And now. It seems there's only an HGUC kit in stores at the moment, but I'm much more interested in a MG kit. Does anybody know if there's plans to make one? At 60 USD it's probably a very impressive HGUC kit though, along the lines of the latest HGUC Sazabi.
At any rate, this Zaku definitely still has my immediate attention, and will hopefully help me refine my technique for future projects.
Hornby Railroad A4 Mallard to Silver Fox
8 years ago