From Panzers, Zakus, and Models Oh My! |
From Panzers, Zakus, and Models Oh My! |
Yum, Stahlhelm
From Panzers, Zakus, and Models Oh My! |
Thank God For Liquid Mask
From Panzers, Zakus, and Models Oh My! |
A Little Touch Up Needed
I'm most happy with how the color tones come out. Other than a few blemishes, mainly on the body due to insufficiently thick layers of liquid mask, the entire project is ready for highlighting, decals, weathering, and sealing. And here I thought I was almost done. At any rate, to the extent of applying and mixing some washes to the model I visited Micheal's today and picked up a round tipped brush that would hold much wash. However, I also got distracted by a five-dollar balsa wood model:
From Panzers, Zakus, and Models Oh My! |
I thought it would be a fun and frivolous little project to complete with a friend (who had accompanied me, and picked up a similar model). Boy was I wrong, the cryptic instructions and amount of pieces saw to it that the model took me no less than four hours. I guess I have something to show for it though.